We continuously enhance our design expertise to provide the cost effective and world class solutions and services

Electronic Design Services

NMOS Electronic Design team has the required experience to expedite hardware development right from the step of understanding of the area of application and deciding the quick turn-around supply chain eco system. NMOS expert hardware engineers work with your team to build the specification, components / parts to be sourced, identify & address supply chain issues, design, prototype & test the designs, manufacturing and certify them ready to enter the market.

NMOS expert team ensure that, through modelling and simulation aspects such as power-budgets and sensor accuracy, design of the circuitry, integration with the mechanical and software aspects of the design and fulfilment of the business use case & application’s requirements are validated and taken care.

With our experience from early stage of prototyping to mass manufacturing, NMOS can be your partner for the full electronics design process.

Our in-house expertise covers the full spectrum of electronics design, from sensitive analogue circuits to high-speed digital circuitry, high-power electro-mechanical systems to miniaturised devices that live off micro-watts power which are being used in building products / solutions for the sectors like – Automotive, Consumer Electronics, Defence, EV, Industrial Automation, Infrastructure, Medical, Networking & Telecommunications, Power & Energy, SMART City, Transportation & Logistics, Utility Transmission & Distribution.

Please glance through the below videos about our designing services expertise and arrangements.