We continuously enhance our expertise to provide the cost effective and world class solutions and services
ASIC Verification Services
Hardware / ASIC Verification is the process of checking the design functionality for the given specifications. It is one of the largest tasks in silicon development and has the biggest impact on the key business drivers of Quality, Schedule, and Cost.
NMOS offering covers all aspects of Verification flow from feature extraction to coverage closure and is equipped with custom-designed verification productivity tools for reducing verification turnaround times. NMOS bring verification expertise across multiple industry verticals spanning Consumer Electronics, Wireless, Data Centre, Automotive and Memory/Storage segments, etc.
Many of NMOS customers engage and collaborate with us due to:
- Flexible resources proficient in verification methodologies and tools
- Tools for verification productivity
- Consultancy programs and continuous improvements through Benchmarking
- Training on verification strategy and the latest verification methodologies
Key expertise areas:
- Languages and Methodologies: C/C++/SystemVerilog/Verilog/SystemC/UVM
- Protocol Knowledge: High-speed, ARM-based, Memory, Storage, Serial IO, MIPI
- Processor Expertise: ARM, MIPS, x86, Power
- Low Power Verification UPF Power-aware RTL and Gate Simulation
- Formal/Static Property based Verification
- Emulation Platforms Zebu, Palladium, Veloce